Accident Victims
Statutory Accident Benefits (SABS) or No-Fault Benefits
The standard auto insurance policy in the Province of Ontario provides specific benefits to persons injured in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of who is at fault. Hence the idea of a no-fault insurance regime has been around since the early 1990s.
These benefits are defined by the regulations issued under the Ontario Insurance Act. These regulations are commonly known as the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). Each vehicle insurance policy provides a certain level of coverage to access benefits.
What does SABS cover and what benefits can I get?
This benefit will compensate you for the loss of income if you cannot work because of the injuries caused by a motor vehicle accident. The compensation is partial.
You are entitled to receive 80% of your net income or $400.00 weekly.
This benefit will compensate you if you suffer a complete inability to carry on your everyday activities because of the injuries caused by a motor vehicle accident. This compensation is partial and is not payable to you during the first six months of benefit entitlement.
This benefit is calculated at $185.00 per week.
This benefit will reimburse you for expenses you incur in arranging for replacement services if you are unable to provide primary caregiving support to dependants.
The amount calculated is subject to limits.
If you are unable to carry out certain personal care activities as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident, such as bathing, toileting, dressing or feeding yourself, this benefit will pay reasonable and necessary expenses for your support, as well as an attendant or long-term care facility.
This benefit is calculated based on the market value of support and caretaking services.
This benefit will cover medical and rehabilitation expenses that are not covered by government or private healthcare plans.
To access this benefit, you will need to be aware of the various limitations and controls associated with this benefit.
This type of general benefit expense covers situations including lost educational fees, the cost of immediate family members or relatives visiting you during medical treatment and recovery.
Other reimbursable expenses may also cover housekeeping and home maintenance costs.
There are lump-sum payments for survivors of an individual killed in a motor vehicle accident to help pay for funeral expenses.
Should your insurer deny you entitlement to or cut you off from payment of statutory accident benefits in Ontario, you can get assistance to obtain payment of the death and funeral payments benefit.